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Make A Factory JS Variable Available Globally In AngularJS

I have a variable created within a factory that I wish to use within another function in my controllers in AngularJS. How can I make a variable from a factory available to my ListC

Solution 1:

A little busy now, but I think you may want to put back the results in the data field of your resolve object in your httpInterceptor factory. And I changed the references to result in your forEach() to results[key] to be sure it modifies the original array (Hope this is an array?)

       .factory('httpInterceptor', function($q, $rootScope, $window) {
        var httpInterceptor = {
            response: function(response) {
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                var results =;
                var urlStart = '';
                if (response.config.url.startsWith(urlStart)) {
                    angular.forEach(results, function(result, key) { 
                        results[key].data.estCardFee = 2.00;
                        results[key].data.bkor_bookingfee = results[key].data.estCardFee;
                        results[key].data.bkor_payamount = results[key].data.bkor_subtotal + results[key].data.bkor_handling - results[key].data.bkor_discount + results[key].data.bkor_adjustment + results[key].data.bkor_bookingfee;
                        results[key].data.bkor_payamount = parseFloat(results[key].data.bkor_payamount).toFixed(2);
                        results[key].data.bkor_paypalamount = results[key].data.bkor_payamount;
       = results;  //put the modified items back in the response
                return deferred.promise;
        return httpInterceptor;

Solution 2:

Angular services are singletons. So you could store the results in a property on an instance of a service and inject it into which ever controllers require the data

If you need these results to survive a refresh, then you will need to use local storeage

Additionally, it isnt recommended at all, but you could store it in the global window object.

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