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Programmatically Create Image From Web-page Or A Single DIV

Is there any way to programmatically create (client or server side (PHP)) a image from a specific DIV or a complete (web) page? I'm currently creating a web-site for free coupons a

Solution 1:

You cannot create image from div for sure but yes you can create dynamic images in php using its gd library. Following links will help:

Solution 2:

Here is a great way for you to create images on the client side:

You can take this and create a web app that will work nicely on webkit (for other browsers - I'll look at JS polyfills).

Solution 3:

Did anyone mention html2canvas and/or jsfeedback ?

It create a page screenshot completely in javascript, then you can send to the server via ajax..

Obviously, CSS support lack some things.

Solution 4:

In php, there is many image related functions like imagettftext() in GD library for details, check this out if GD is not enough, you can try imagick as well

for the template, you can try creating a true color handle in php from your file(image) and add the text part or something else with all kinds of effects and bar codes etc.

but in your case, i would suggest dynamic PDF creation since it would better with formatting instead of plain image, the pdf lib :

Solution 5:

you could easily have a background image of your token/voucher and overlay the text using some php variables.

i believe it is possible to create a unique bar-code with php imaging too.

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