Getting Own Data Off Google Photos API (Authentication And Requests)
Solution 1:
Google Photos api only supports oauth2 authentication. Authencation
A number of google apis have this limitation. What you can do is create a server sided script that will allow you to login and authenticate your application. Make sure to request off line access. This will then return to you an refresh token. You will then be able to use your refresh token to request a new access token when ever you need.
Google does not return a refresh token to javascript applications as they are client sided. You will need to use a server sided language for the refresh token logic.
refresh Tokens created on the oauth2 play ground have a life time of about two hours if last i remember. I am not sure if this is also true with tokens created using your own client.
Technically these are just http post calls so you should be able to code this yourself in any language that can handle http post and get. I am not a react developer so cant help you more then that.
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