What Is $event In Angular Material And Do I Need It With Ui Router?
I too find myself looking into this unanswered question but I also find myself wondering if finding an answer matters? I've googled $event and looked through both angular material
Solution 1:
Directly from the docs: $event object is an instance of a jQuery Event Object when jQuery is present or a similar jqLite object.
In the case of angular-material it is used to reference dom event object, for instance a click's event object is used in $mdDialog
You will have to wrap your state change inside a ng-click
event to get the $event
object and pass that event object through $state.go()
<divng-app="myApp"ng-controller="myController"><ang-click="show($event)">add campaign</a></div>
And then configure your state:
.state("campaigns.add", {
url: "/add",
resolve: {
event: function($stateParams) {
onEnter: function($mdDialog, $state) {
var ev = null;
.title('This is an alert title')
.content('You can specify some description text in here.')
.ariaLabel('Alert Dialog Demo')
.ok('Got it!')
.targetEvent(event)).then(function() {
Here is a working demo based on the code from the other question: http://jsfiddle.net/f30wesj3/2/
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