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Encryption / Decryption Of Binary Data In The Browser

I am working on a project that requires a client to de-crypt binary data received from the server. The scenario is that a server has binary data in a compressed and encrypted form.

Solution 1:

  1. You can't directly access the user's file system. Though, the HTML5 file system API can be used to save data in a virtual, sandboxed filesystem.
  2. CryptoJS has an implementation for SHA-2

To receive the data from the server, I suggest to use XMLHttpRequest with responseType = "arraybuffer".

Solution 2:

I suggest you use a javascript cryptography library, here is one:

Solution 3:

SHA-2 is not a means of encrypting or decrypting data, its a hash algorithm, it is used to determine if data has been tampered with. Encryption algorithms are: DES, 3-DES, AES etc.

I suspect you need to generate a hash on the data you have and compare with the hash you have received.

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