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Google Script - Use Row X As Headers

I have a system that makes line graphs and scatterplots in google sheets. As of March 7th, 2018 the graphs started to include the 1 row of my data as part of the graph rather than

Solution 1:

You can set legend values using a labelInLegend in the series configuration options as mentioned here.(Navigate to the option series)

So in your above code lets assume you have extracted your first row in a array like so:

var values = currRange.getValues()
 var headerRow = []
 for (var i =0; i<values[0].length ; i++)
   headerRow[i] = values[0][i]

You can set the values of your series using setOptions like so:

            {0:{color: '#54B4C6', pointSize: 3, pointShape: 'circle',labelInLegend:headerRow[1]},
             1:{color: '#2F53D9', pointSize: 10, pointShape: 'diamond',labelInLegend:headerRow[2]},
             2:{color: '#F1BE00', pointSize: 4, pointShape: 'circle',labelInLegend:headerRow[3]},
             3:{color: '#D90D0C', pointSize: 11, pointShape: 'diamond',labelInLegend:headerRow[4]}})

In short, just include the following key:value pair lableInLegend:'Header Value'in your series object. Note: Skip the first value of the header, as that pertains to the vertical axis. Your final code will like so:

var values = currRange.getValues()
 var headerRow = []
 for (var i =0; i<values[0].length ; i++)
   headerRow[i] = values[0][i]
 var currChart = currSheet.newChart();
  currChart.setPosition (row, col, 5,5)
 var builtChart = currChart.asScatterChart()
                    .setOption('hAxis.viewWindow.min', min)
                    .setOption('hAxis.viewWindow.max', max)
                    .setOption('chartArea.left', 80)
                    .setOption('', 60)
                    .setOption('chartArea.width', 360)
                    .setOption('chartArea.height', 240)
                              { stroke: "#828282", strokeWidth: 2, fill: "#fcfcfc" })
                                   {0:{color: '#54B4C6', pointSize: 3, pointShape: 'circle',labelInLegend:headerRow[1]},
                                   1:{color: '#2F53D9', pointSize: 10, pointShape: 'diamond',labelInLegend:headerRow[2]},
                                   2:{color: '#F1BE00', pointSize: 4, pointShape: 'circle',labelInLegend:headerRow[3]},
                                   3:{color: '#D90D0C', pointSize: 11, pointShape: 'diamond',labelInLegend:headerRow[4]}})

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