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How To Get The Elements With Maximum Difference In The Single Array?

Suppose, a= [3,7, 8,66,121,223,228] how to get the elements with maximum difference among them? I have this solution to it but will appreciate better code than this. let arr = [] a

Solution 1:

You could check each pair with the last found pair and get the one with the greatest delta.

var array = [3, 7, 8, 66, 121, 223, 228],
    result = array.reduce((r, b, i, { [i - 1]: a }) => {
        if (i === 0) return;
        if (i === 1 || b - a > r[1] - r[0]) return [a, b];
        return r;
    }, undefined);


Solution 2:

You can do this

var a = [3,7, 8,66,121,223,228]
 var difference = 0;
 var pairIndex = 0;

 for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  var currentItem = a[i];
  var nextItem = a[i+1];
  var currentDifference = Math.abs(currentItem - nextItem);

  if(currentDifference > difference) {
    difference = currentDifference;
    pairIndex = i;

var pair = [a[pairIndex], a[pairIndex + 1]];
return pair;

Solution 3:

a= [3,7, 8,66,121,223,228]
letMaxIntervalPosition = 0for(let i=0;i<a.length-2;i++){
    if(Math.abs(a[i]-a[i+1]) > MaxIntervalPosition) {
        MaxIntervalPosition = i
    return [a[i],a[i+1]]

Solution 4:

The code below returns 3 elements

0 - The max difference found

1 - Element 1 of the pair.

2 - Element 2 of the pair.

using a reduce statement to iterate and find the pair is fairly simple. I have not tested this with randomized array.

const array = [3,7, 8,66,121,223,228];

constmaxDiff = (arr) => arr.reduce((a, v, i) =>
                                if(i === arr.length-1) return a;
                                const diff = Math.abs(v-arr[i+1]);
                                return (diff > a[0]) ? [diff, v, arr[i+1]] : a;
                              }, [0]);


// use a simple destructure to seperate diff and elementsconst  [diff, ...elements] = maxDiff(array);

Solution 5:

You can solve this in a concise way with Array.reduce:

letmaxDiff = arr => arr.reduce((acc, c, i, arr) => {	
  if(i && c - arr[i-1] > arr[i-1] - arr[i-2])
    acc = [arr[i-1], c]
  return acc
}, [])

console.log(maxDiff([3,7,8,66,121,223,228]))      // <-- [121,223]console.log(maxDiff([3,7,8,66,121,223,228,1000])) // <-- [228,1000]

The idea is to start from the first element (i == 1) and from there compare the difference between the last pair arr[i-1] - arr[i-2] and the current pair (c - arr[i-1]). If the difference is bigger overwrite the accumulator until you reach the end.

You can actually one line it via:

letmaxDiff = arr => arr.reduce((r,c,i,a) => 
  (r = i && c - a[i-1] > a[i-1] - (a[i-2] || 0) ? [a[i-1], c] : r, r), [])

console.log(maxDiff([3,7,8,66,121,223,228]))      // <-- [121,223]console.log(maxDiff([3,7,8,66,121,223,228,1000])) // <-- [228,1000]

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