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How To Make A Countdown Timer Counting Down In Specific Set Of Seconds?

I have the following code: var hours = Math.floor((timeLeft) / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((timeLeft - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = Math.floor((timeLeft - (hours * 3600

Solution 1:

Neither setTimeout nor setInterval is accurate and therefore reliable. So instead of accumulating errors on each iteration I prefer to solve this independant of any interval, only using

A simple version would be:

//a simple linear equation over time, independant of any intervalfunctionclock(, speed=1){
  let m=+speed||0, b=(+startValue||0)-m*;
  //every time you call this function, it will give you //the value for the very moment you call this function//wether you do this every second, every hour of on every framereturnfunctiontime(){
    let value = m*, v = Math.abs(value);
    return {
      sign: value < 0? "-": "",
      ms: Math.floor(value)%1e3,
      seconds: Math.floor(v/1e3)%60,
      minutes: Math.floor(v/6e4)%60,
      hours: Math.floor(v/36e5)%24,
      days: Math.floor(v/864e5)

//I find these constants pretty handy when describing timeconstMS=1,SECOND=1e3,SECONDS=SECOND,MINUTE=6e4,MINUTES=MINUTE,HOUR=36e5,HOURS=HOUR,DAY=864e5,DAYS=DAY,WEEK=6048e5,WEEKS=WEEK;

//this is more descriptivelet countDown = clock(24*HOURS, -10*SECONDS / SECOND);
//than this//let countDown = clock(86400000, -10);let output = document.querySelector('#time');
//a helperconstleadingZero = v => String(v).padStart(2,0);

//this is just rendering the current time//it has nothing to do with computing the timesetInterval(function(){
  let { sign, hours, minutes, seconds } = countDown();
  let hms = [hours, minutes, seconds].map(leadingZero).join(":");
  output.textContent = sign + hms;
}, 100);

But usually I'd use a more complete/versatile implementation

classClock {
  constructor(, speed=1){
    this.m = +speed || 0;
    this.b = +value || 0;
    this.p = true;

  getvalue(){ returnthis.p? this.b: this.m* + this.b }
    let value = +arg || 0;
    this.b = this.p? value: value -*this.m;

  getpaused(){ returnthis.p }
    let pause = !!arg;
    if(pause === this.p) return;
    this.b += this.m* * (pause? 1: -1);
    this.p = pause;

  getspeed(){ returnthis.m }
    let speed = +arg || 0;
    if(speed === this.m) return;
      this.b += * (this.m-speed);
    this.m = speed;

  valueOf(){ returnthis.value; }

    this.paused = false;

    this.paused = true;

    let value = this.value, v = Math.abs(value);
    return {
      sign: value < 0? "-": "",
      ms: Math.floor(value)%1e3,
      seconds: Math.floor(v/1e3)%60,
      minutes: Math.floor(v/6e4)%60,
      hours: Math.floor(v/36e5)%24,
      days: Math.floor(v/864e5)


let speed = this.speed;
let countDown = newClock(24*HOURS-1, speed.value);

let output = document.querySelector('#time');
this.startBtn.onclick = () => countDown.start();
this.stopBtn.onclick = () => countDown.stop();

speed.onchange = speed.onkeyup = () => {
  if(!isNaN(+speed.value)) countDown.speed = speed.value;

constleadingZero = v => String(v).padStart(2,0);

//this is just rendering the current time//it has nothing to do with computing the timesetInterval(function(){
  let { sign, hours, minutes, seconds } = countDown.time();
  output.textContent = sign + [hours, minutes, seconds].map(leadingZero).join(":");
}, 100);

<divid="time"></div><inputtype="button"id="startBtn"value="start" /><inputtype="button"id="stopBtn"value="stop" /><inputtype="number"id="speed"value="-2" />

Does this help?

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