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Possible Bug - Event Change Fires After Widget.set('options', [])

Currently I am using dijit/form/Select to display a list of options and I need to programmatically update content for the dijit/form/Select. Currently I am using .set('value', ...)

Solution 1:

_setValueAttr has also second parameter - priorityChange. If you set it to false, onChange event won't be fired.

From API docs version 1.6 (see _setValueAttr in methods):

_setValueAttr Overrides dijit.form._FormValueWidget, dijit.form._FormSelectWidget Sets the value of the widget. If the value has changed, then fire onChange event, unless priorityChange is specified as null (or false?)

BTW. If you want to add one option there's no need to replace whole set of options - you can call s.addOption(newOption)

], function(Select) {

  var options = [{
    label: "TN",
    value: "Tennessee"
  }, {
    label: "VA",
    value: "Virginia",
    selected: true
  }, {
    label: "WA",
    value: "Washington"
  }, {
    label: "FL",
    value: "Florida"
  }, {
    label: "CA",
    value: "California"

  var s = newSelect({
    options: options
  }, "target");

  s.on("change", function() {
    console.log("my value: " + s.get("value"))

  // updating options
    label: "MI",
    value: "Milan",
    selected: true
  s.set('options', options);
  // issue here, the following line trigger event change
  s.set('value', 'Milan', false);

<linkhref="//"  /><scriptsrc="//"></script><bodyclass="claro"><divid="target"></div></body>

Solution 2:

I found a work around to this issue using:

  myWidget.set('_onChangeActive', false); // prevent firing change
  myWidget.set('value', 'Milan', false);
  myWidget.set('_onChangeActive', true); // reset to default

which works also when using .set() consecutively on multiple widgets.

Also passing false as third argument to .set() works if you change only one widget at a time.

s.set('value', 'Milan', false);

Notes: I could not find reference in the official documentation for this third argument using .set():

Related question: Dojo Select onChange event firing when changing value programatically

], function(Select) {

  var options = [{
    label: "TN",
    value: "Tennessee"
  }, {
    label: "VA",
    value: "Virginia",
    selected: true
  }, {
    label: "WA",
    value: "Washington"
  }, {
    label: "FL",
    value: "Florida"
  }, {
    label: "CA",
    value: "California"

  var s = newSelect({
    options: options
  }, "target");

  s.on("change", function() {
    console.log("my value: " + s.get("value"))

  // updating options
    label: "MI",
    value: "Milan",
    selected: true

  s.set('options', options);

  s.set('_onChangeActive', false); // prevent firing change
  s.set('value', 'Milan', false);
  s.set('_onChangeActive', true);

<linkhref="//"  /><scriptsrc="//"></script><bodyclass="claro"><divid="target"></div></body>

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