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Using Mouse Cursor Position As A Range Starting Point In Coffeescript/javascript

As the title states, I would like to use my cursor's position as the start point to a range. Right now have simple sample like this . .

The quick brown

Solution 1:

After much googling and many hours of troubleshooting I finally came up with a solution that works for my purposes.

The function document.caretPositionFromPoint() or for Webkit document.caretRangeFromPoint() takes X and Y coordinates from an event and returns a caret position that I can then use to create the start point of my range with.

$(document).ready ->

  setRange = (event) ->
        range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)
        targetNode = range.startContainer
        offset = range.startOffset
        range.setStart(targetNode, offset)
        range.setEnd(targetNode, 10) #just to test

        sel = window.getSelection()

    element = document.getElementById("content")
    element.addEventListener('mousemove', setRange, true) #eventlistener instead of .mousemovefor event bubbling

Solution 2:

You should be using pageX or pageY, like this

$(document).ready ->

  $(document).mousemove (e) ->

If you need to get the position relative to a div for example

$(document).ready ->

      $(document).mousemove (e) ->
        console.log("#{e.pageX - $('#divID').offset().left}")
        console.log("#{e.pageY - $('#divID').offset().top}")

Applied to your case, it would give you something like this

$(document).ready ->

  $('p').mousemove (e) ->
    console.log("#{e.pageX - $('p').offset().left}")
    console.log("#{e.pageY - $('p').offset().top}")

And moving your mouse over the paragraph containing your text will give you your mouse position inside the paragraph

see it working here


If you need to get the index of the character you are hovering you could use a trick like so:

Wrap your text inside a container that is exactly the width of your text

<span>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</span>

And then make the following calculation

$(document).ready ->
  // define the container for the text you are intersted in
  container = $('span')
  // on mouseover
  container.mouseover (e) ->
    // get container width
    container_width = container.width()
    // compute the avg character width base on the container width and the number of characters contained in your text. // (If you have some complex formatting inside your container, you would have to adjust this calculation.)
    char_width = p_width / container.text().length// get the position of your mouse inside
    position_inside = e.pageX - container.offset().left// define the index of the character you are interested in
    char_index = Math.floor(position_inside / char_width) - 1// use it as you wish// print it for exampleconsole.log("#{char_index}")

You can check it working here. I've set the event to click so that you can try it precisely on the f of fox, it returns 16.

EDIT 2: for a reliable way of doing what you are trying to do

When loading the document, put every character inside the container into an html node, like this

$(document).ready ->
  // set your container
  container = $('span')

  // define a replacement text string
  replacement_container_text = ''// iterate over each character inside your container
  $(container.text().split('')).each (i, char) ->
    // put it inside a span and add it to your replacement text string
    replacement_container_text += '<span>' + char + '</span>'// set the replacement text string as the html content of your container// this replaces the original text with the initial text with each // character wrapped into a span // (which can then be caught as targets for your mousemove events)

Then you can just get the index of the character on which your mouse is positionned with the following

container.mousemove (e) ->
  range_start = container.children('span').index $(

This will work with multi line containers, with paragraphs, etc.

See working example

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