Access A Nested Property With A String
Solution 1:
You'll have to split the string by the period, and then access each node iteratively. This could be done in a simple reduce
var value = str.split('.').reduce(function(p,prop) { return p[prop] }, person);
The above would work regardless if str
contains a period or not, i.e. for name
as well as
Solution 2:
You can by splitting the string. the [..]
operator lets you access object properties by name (and array items index). In a case of nested objects, you simply access them one after the other.
Try like this:
var person = {
name: 'Joe',
contact: {
phone: '555'
var nameOfPerson = person['name']; //Joevar str = '';
var phoneToPerson = str.split('.').reduce(function(o, key) {
return o[key];
}, person);
Solution 3:
var select = "";
var value = person;
value = value[val];
Solution 4:
Natively, no. However there are way to do it, like splitting the string by .
and recursively descend from the person
object. It's also possible by evaluating the full string in eval
or new Function
, but I highly discourage for security reasons.
Solution 5:
I know this post is quite old but its strange I can't see very popular "Lodash" solution here which allows to get object nested properties safely.
varobject = {
a: [
b: {
c: 3
_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c'); // → 3
For your example:
var person = {
name: 'Joe',
contact: {
phone: '555'
var personPhoneProp = '';
_.get(person, personPhoneProp); // -> '555'
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