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Using Youtube's Javascript Api With Jquery

I'm currently trying to use the YouTube API as part of a jQuery plugin and I've run into a bit of a problem. The way the YT api works is that you load the flash player and, when it

Solution 1:


Apparently calling addEventListener on the player object causes the script to be used as a string in an XML property that's passed to the flash object - this rules out closures and the like, so it's time for an old-school ugly hack:

functiononYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {
    var player = $('#'+playerId)[0];

    player.addEventListener('onStateChange', '(function(state) { return playerState(state, "' + playerId + '"); })' );

functionplayerState(state, playerId) {

Tested & working!

Solution 2:

I had this same problem and tried the accepted answer. This didn't work for me; the playerState() function was never called. However, it put me on the right path. What I ended up doing was this:

// Within my mediaController "class"window["dynamicYouTubeEventHandler" + playerID] = function(state) { onYouTubePlayerStateChange(state, playerID); }
  embedElement.addEventListener("onStateChange", "dynamicYouTubeEventHandler" + playerID);
// End mediaController class// Global YouTube event handlerfunctiononYouTubePlayerStateChange(state, playerID) {
  var mediaController = GetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(playerID);

It's fairly nasty, but so is the current state of the YouTube JavaScript API.

Here is some other helpful/nasty code if you are using any kind of advanced prototyping patterns. This basically allows you to retrieve a "class" instance from the YouTube player ID:

// Within my mediaController "class"// The containerJQElement is the jQuery wrapped parent element of the player ID// Its ID is the same as the player ID minus "YouTubeEmbed".var _self = this;'mediaController', _self);
// End mediaController class// Global YouTube specific functionsfunctionGetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(embedID) {      
  var containerID = embedID.replace('YouTubeEmbed', '');
  var containerJQObject = $("#" + containerID);

functiononYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {
  var mediaController = GetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(playerId);

Solution 3:

Here's a nice article that goes through creating a class to wrap an individual player, including dispatching events to individual objects using a similar approach to that mentioned in a previous answer.

Solution 4:

How about something like so:

var closureFaker = function (func, scope) {
    var functionName = 'closureFake_' + (((1+Math.random())*0x10000000)|0).toString(16);
    window[functionName] = function () {
        func.apply(scope || window, arguments);
    console.log('created function:', functionName, window[functionName]);
    return functionName;

ytplayer.addEventListener("onStateChange", closureFaker(function () {
    //place your logic hereconsole.log('state change', arguments)

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