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Angular Ag-grid: Undo Selected Row Changes On Button Click

Application built on Angular and Javascript. AG-Grid editable records having 1st column as Checkbox. After making any changes say on 5 records, after selecting checkbox for any par

Solution 1:

I think I know you kind of problem. If you operate with a @Input or a property that will be set by a rest-call:

@Input()data: Array<YourInterface>;


publicdata: Array<YourInterface>;


public onInit() {
  httpClient.get(configuration).subscribe(data => { = data;

then using this data-property in you template directly is not useful, because, you are not able to determine the state of this data-property, before you modified it via the ui part of your app.

Instead of using it directly, do something like this:

public inputData: Array<YourInterface>;
@Input()data: Array<YourInterface>;


public onInit() {
  this.inputData = {};


public inputData: Array<YourInterface>;
publicdata: Array<YourInterface>;


public onInit(): void {
  httpClient.get(configuration).subscribe(data => { = data;
    this.inputData = {};

And use inputData in your template, instead of using data.

Then add a reset-method, that you can use to reset the data to the state before the manipulation with the ui (connecting this method to the reset button will reset all your rows).

resetData(): void {
  this.inputData = {};

After that use a method to persist your data.

saveData(): void { = {...this.inputData};


  // more steps to persistence// make a or emit

EDIT: I assume, that you get an array of anything, every entry of this array is an object and has a model, to display it as table.


interfaceYourInterface {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  tel: string;

Sample Data:

let data: Array<YourInterface> = [
    id: 0,
    name: 'A name',
    tel: '+892383498239'
    id: 1,
    name: 'Another name',
    tel: '+23298238923'

Solution 2:

There are multiple events which ag-Grid provides on cell editing for you to utilize for example: by using which() method on the event would tell you that which cell is being targeted and you can create a map of an old value and new value with it. If the button is clicked you can check the rows and accordingly reset the values of the cell.

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