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Cannot Load Resource Mvc 4 Javascript

I need help with the below error. It cant seem to find the WarehouseJavascript.js file which is outside the scripts folder.

Solution 1:

The URL /Views/Warehouse/WareHouseJavascript.js is invalid, because you have to make request to controller instead of view.

So you should do following:

  1. Create controller for Warehouse it is not already exist (I cannot see it on your printscreen)
  2. Create action method for above view
  3. In action method return view WareHouseJavascript
  4. In link use @Url.Action('Warehouse','Index') assuming that controller name is Warehouse nad action is Index

Solution 2:

In your Views folder there should be a web.config file. In it, find the system.web/httpHandlers section, and a static file handler line before the wildcard 404 handler line per the answer here:

  <add path="*.js" verb="GET,HEAD"type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
  <add path="*" verb="*"type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler"/>

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