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Regex Javascript To Match Both Rgb And Rgba

Currently I have this regex which matches to an RGB string. I need it enhanced so that it is robust enough to match either RGB or RGBA. rgbRegex = /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$

Solution 1:

Will this do?

var rgbRegex = /^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\)$/

Solution 2:

It's not so simple- an rgb is illegal with a fourth parameter. You also need to allow for percentage decimals as well as integer values for the rgb numbers. And spaces are allowed almost anywhere.

    var i= 0, itm,
    M= c.replace(/ +/g, '').match(/(rgba?)|(\d+(\.\d+)?%?)|(\.\d+)/g);
    if(M && M.length> 3){
            itm= M[++i];
            if(itm.indexOf('%')!= -1){
                itm= Math.round(parseFloat(itm)*2.55);
            else itm= parseInt(itm);
            if(itm<0 || itm> 255) returnNaN;
            M[i]= itm;
        if(c.indexOf('rgba')=== 0){
            if(M[4]==undefined ||M[4]<0 || M[4]> 1) returnNaN;
        elseif(M[4]) returnNaN;
        return M[0]+'('+M.slice(1).join(',')+')';


var A= ['rgb(100,100,255)',

returned values:

Solution 3:

I made a regex that checks for rgb() and rgba() values. It checks for 3 tuples of 0-255 and then an optional decimal number between 0-1 for transparency. TLDR;


Broken into the different parts we have:

rgba?\( // Match rgb( or rgba( as the a is optional

0-255 is matched with alternation of:

\d\d? // Match 0-991\d\d// Match 100 - 1992[0-4]\d// Match 200-24925[0-5]// Match 250 - 255

The handling of comma and space around the 0-255 tuples takes some space. I match 0-255 tuples with mandatory trailing comma and optional spaces twice


Then a 0-255 tuple with optional comma and space - to allow for rgb() values without the trailing comma


Then comes an optional 0-1 as whole number or decimal number:

([01]\.?\d*?)? //0or1 needed, dot and decimal numbers optional

And we end with a closing bracket


Solution 4:

Try the following script for RGBA value, the result is an object.

var getRGBA = function (string) {
          var match = string.match(/^rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\)$/);
          return match ? {
            r: Number(match[1]),
            g: Number(match[2]),
            b: Number(match[3]),
            a: Number(match[4])
          } : {}
        var rgba = getRGBA('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.49)');

Solution 5:

If you need to be strict, i.e. rule out rgb(0, 70, 255, 0.5), you need to fuse both cases together with | :

var rgbRegex = /(^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$)|(^rgba\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(,\s*\d+\.\d+)*\)$)/;

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