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Create A Dynamic Meteor Collection Using A Variable

I am trying to create a dynamic meteor collection using a variable so a new meteor collection will be created everytime an form is submitted and an event is executed. See code belo

Solution 1:

Don't do this. Asking how to create dynamic collections comes up periodically with new meteor developers, but it's never the right approach. @david-wheldon has a great description of why not to do this at the bottom of this page.

Just use one collection Messages, containing documents something like this:

{ _id: xxxxxx,
  sender: 'x533hf4j3i',
  recipient:  'jf83jfu39d',
  message:    'Hi there!',
  timestamp, etc

Then it depends on your app if a user can view messages they did not send/receive, and if you need filtering on this you would do it server side in a publish function.

Either way, on the Client if you just want the messages between two users you would query like this:

chatMessages = Messages.find(
    {$or: [{ sender: 'x533hf4j3i', recipient:  'jf83jfu39d'}, 
           { sender: 'jf83jfu39d', recipient:  'x533hf4j3i'}

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