Is It Possible To Compute A File's Sha1 Id Using Javascript?
Solution 1:
Actually you can read the contents of a client-side file now, as long as it's chosen in a file upload field and you are using Firefox. See the input.files array. You can then indeed hash it, although it might be rather slow.
See How would I get a Hash value of a users file with Javascript or Flash? for an example and a compact SHA-1 implementation.
Solution 2:
To do that you would have to load the file's binary information into JavaScript. Which is not possible.
But here's an implementation of SHA1 in JavaScript.
Solution 3:
It is possible to use SHA1, though performance isn't going to be the best...
For anything over a few hundred KB's you will have to run some benchmarks and determine if indeed its a viable solution.
See this link for a good implementation (passpack and quite a few OS projects use it)
Edit: As other have already replied, actually getting the file contents may be a whole different matter - so unless you use something like Google Gears or Adobe AIR it should be virtually impossible.
Solution 4:
One can read their local file using the HTML5 File interface:
And then you can use a library for like Crypto.js to finish the hash over the read text.
Solution 5:
No, you can't access a file from a local computer using JavaScript .
You're going to have to upload it first to the server, then checking the checksum of the file.
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