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Service Workers Not Updating

I have a service worker installed in my website, everything works fine, except when I push an update to the cached files, in fact; they stay catched forever and I seem to be unable

Solution 1:

After googling and watching some videos on udacity, I found that the intended behavior of the worker is to stay until the page it controls is closed and reopened again when the new service worker can take control.

The solution was to force it to take control based on the following solved the issue, even when it takes 2 reloads in order for the new worker to reflect the changes (that makes sense since the app is loaded before the new worker replaces the previous).

            var static_cache = storage[0];
            var app_cache = storage[1];

self.addEventListener('activate', function(e) {
            caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
                        if (cacheName !== APP_CACHE_NAME && cacheName !== STATIC_CACHE_NAME) {
                            return caches.delete(cacheName);

Solution 2:

As a "service worker newbie" I encountered a related situation whereby a service worker wouldn't refresh even though the "JavaScript Console>Application>Update on reload" was enabled on Chrome Canary.

The problem was that I had working code in my /sw/index.js and then I introduced an error to /sw/index.js. When I introduced the error the browser refused to load the updated code and continued to load the earlier working service worker. When I corrected the code in index.js and refreshed the page the new code for the service worker appeared. I would have thought that the error filled code would throw an error, but it didn't. The browser just loaded the earlier error free version.

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